I read an article by Linda Harvey today, read it here. It discusses the background of Kevin Jennings, the campaign fundraising co-chairman of Sen Obama's “LGBT” community, or Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender community.
Kevin Jennings, and the organization he founded, GSLEN appears to have a very casual and passive opinion on sexual relations between adults and teens, even children.
"One Teacher in Ten, GLSEN founder Kevin Jennings reported the story of a 15-year-old boy named "Brewster" who came to him in 1989 for assistance. Jennings said the boy was having difficulty in school and did not know why. However, during a speech in Iowa five years ago, Jennings stated that "Brewster" had confided to him that he had a sexual encounter with an older man in Boston. Jennings claims he responded to the teen by saying, "I hope you knew to use a condom." The apparent case of sex abuse was not reported to authorities."(site here)
Apparently Jennings doesn't find that to be disturbing in the least, as long as a condom was used. That's all that matters right? Not that a child was sexually abused by an adult. Who cares right? More pedifilia accounts in literature reportedly directed at teens and children by this type of group-
"The book "Growing Up Gay/Growing Up Lesbian," recommended on the GLSEN website for kids in grades seven to 12, describes two 10-year-old boys in a very graphic sexual encounter (pp.99-100). In the same book, an adult man named Eliot reflects on his youth:
"My first experience was with a much older man, a friend of Derek's [his father]. ... When I was 15, he must have been 29, 30 ... I seduced him. ... It was a wild night. We did everything."Is anyone listening? He was 15! What kind of weirdo is this? A 30 year old, seduced by a 15 year old? He's been so warped, that he actually BELIEVES 15 year olds can seduce dirty old men.
"Rainbow Boys," features an episode of homosexual sex between one of the main characters, a 17-year-old boy, and a 29-year-old man he has just met via the Internet ( p. 148). Again, a great influence for kids.
"My sexuality is as fluid, infinite, undefinable, and ever-changing as the north-flowing river. ... Sexuality is not black or white ... it is gray. ... I know that defining myself is not so simple. ..." writes a 16-year-old in "Revolutionary Voices : A Multicultural Queer Youth Anthology" (p.167).
Another girl writes in the same book: "I am a 15-year-old dyke artist and activist. I've got flaming pink hair and a passion for genderf–k in both directions" (p. 28).
I'm sorry, but this is sick, disgusting and filthy. It isn't anything like the marital embrace given to us by God. It is a disgrace.
Obama indorses this organization, and has it's founder in his employment. Do you really think it's about making school "safe" or about warping our childrens minds? Do you really think it's about equality, or about making more gays?
Come on, everyone is doing it....these books are suggested for grades 7 - 12.