I found out that Newsweek published an article today, talking about how the Bible doesn't really condemn homosexual marriage. Really? Well, no, not if you just rearrange things and ignore other things and completely remove everything from context and pretend it doesn't say what it says.
That is exactly what Lisa Miller did in her Newsweek article.
Ok, so if you read it, and you have also read the Bible, then it's pretty easy to see that this is a huge stretch at best. At worst, it is the media's attempt to promote gay marriage because of the embarrassing passing of Prop 8 in CA. We will see more and more of this filth and garbage, trying to rationalize homosexual "marriage" as ok, and morally wholesome. I have a few points to make. Sorry, LENGTHY points :D
First of all, lets look at the very first sin committed, way back in Genesis - From the Douay Rheims Bible, my personal favorite.
1:11 And he said: Let the earth bring forth the green herb, and such as may seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after its kind, which may have seed in itself upon the earth. And it was so done.
1:22 And he blessed them, saying: Increase and multiply, and fill the waters of the sea: and let the birds be multiplied upon the earth.
1:27 And God created man to his own image: to the image of God he created him: male and female he created them. 28 And God blessed them, saying: Increase and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it...
So, creation, is basicly rooted in Fruition. Fruition is meant to mean, offspring. People, trees, animals, insects and all manner of things are commanded to be "fruitful". To have offspring, and to fill up the earth.
So, is it too "literalist" to say He means what this says? May be what it really means is, "We will establish a rule in the first chapter that will render this entire writing false and thereby make a mockery of this scripture."
If God did not know what he wanted of us in the first chapter, then how can we follow His law? This is the same ploy as evolution: If God messed up the first book, then the rest isn't credable".
Well, being that God is all knowing, (I am surprised at how many people do not understand this concept) then he would know about this trash we just read and account for it. Well, he did, and to me it is very simple and clear. It is defined in the very start of the Bible in very clear and easy to understand terms. Let us go on a little farther and see where the creation story takes us and how it relates to homosexual acceptance/marriage.
1:31 And God saw all the things that he had made, and they were very good. And the evening and morning were the sixth day.
The end of Chapter one, and all was good- But that changes in Chapter 2 as we all know.
2:7 And the Lord God formed man of the slime of the earth: and breathed into his face the breath of life, and man became a living soul.
(I just couldn't help myself) Does anyone else see, how God made man from mud and slime and breathed a soul into him? So, how can we call a newly concieved person "Just a blob of tissue". This is such a greater state of being than Adam, the very first man.
2:16 And he commanded him, saying: Of every tree of paradise thou shalt eat: 17 But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat. For in what day soever thou shalt eat of it, thou shalt die the death.
Ok, so we now have our FIRST rule, and what was this rule exactly? Was it literally to just not eat the fruit? Why fruit? What is the significance of fruit in this passage, and indeed in the whole work of scripture?
The first rule, given to us, by God was "Do not presume to know good, from evil." Sit down, shut up, and do what you are told. You can't decide good from evil, or know the difference, so God tried to keep us innocent.
2:21 Then the Lord God cast a deep sleep upon Adam: and when he was fast asleep, he took one of his ribs, and filled up flesh for it. 22 And the Lord God built the rib which he took from Adam into a woman: and brought her to Adam. 23 And Adam said: This now is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man. 24 Wherefore a man shall leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they shall be two in one flesh. 25 And they were both naked: to wit, Adam and his wife: and were not ashamed.
So, if God wanted men and men and women and women to be fruitful, and he was all knowing, then he would have made them fruitful together. OR, really what this article is trying to say, is "The Bible is a backward, stupid way to live your life by". My question is, why on earth would I listen to someone with so little respect for the Bible on it's interpretation?
So, to sum up, God gave man woman so that they could be fruitful and fill the earth. If he wanted, accepted or embraced homosexual union in anyway, then he would have created men not man and women not woman. SO they could choose how they were "oriented" and to avoid confusion later, because God doesn't want us to be confused. So, the article basicly says, God isn't real, and He is not all knowing. The Bible is a bunch of hooey.
So we know that Eve meets the serpent (devil) and she is told -
3:4 And the serpent said to the woman: No, you shall not die the death. 5 For God doth know that in what day soever you shall eat thereof, your eyes shall be opened: and you shall be as Gods, knowing good and evil.
So, now we go back to that same thing, the KNOWING of good and evil. But now, the serpent is STILL saying, We can choose, we can know, we can decide for ourselves what is right and wrong, according to society and culture. Forget the Bible, that's not true, it's a backward and anciently simplistic account of a world that no longer exists.
3:11 And he said to him: And who hath told thee that thou wast naked, but that thou hast eaten of the tree whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldst not eat? 12 And Adam said: The woman, whom thou gavest me to be my companion, gave me of the tree, and I did eat. 13 And the Lord God said to the woman: Why hast thou done this? And she answered: The serpent deceived me, and I did eat. 14 And the Lord God said to the serpent: Because thou hast done this thing, thou art cursed among all cattle, and beasts of the earth: upon thy breast shalt thou go, and earth shalt thou eat all the days of thy life. 15 I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel.
So, Adam and Eve were thrown out of paradise for presuming to understand and decide what was right and wrong? For presuming to "be as gods" and make up their own rules.
Homosexuality is not fruitful, it renders only purtid filth naturally in perversion, violence and disease. Dispite what they say, homosexual male communities are the only growing community of HIV and AIDS here in America. This is the fruit of their labors. Beware, the time is coming when they will get what they want, and our economy and lives will continue to worsen.
Abortion and homosexuality is the root of all the problems in our country/world. All of them, because if you do not uphold the first two directives of God, to respect life, and be fruitful, (in offspring and works of charity/love) the rest lays stagnant in you, bearing no fruits or good works.
When people are hungry, oppressed, out of work and really hurting, THEN they will suddenly get religious and when this country is back on it's knees, where it belongs, things will get better. So you better be prepared. Catholics pay attention, we should (and I am terribly guilty here) pray your rosary, Our Lady of Fatima warned us, we must pray much.
You can say the Bible is backward and unmodern, but really, in the first three chapters the arguments for gay marriage and abortion are ruined and denounced. Contact Newsweek, and let them know you will NOT fall for their lies. Read a more New Testament rebuttal here.
Daily Rome Shot 1263 – so it begins
11 hours ago
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