The movement of politically correct speech has in a way led to the current crisis of tongue tied Christians. In America, if you talk to harshly, condemning sin and admonishing sinners, well you're a bigot. Used to be we had this amendment right, (it was the first one, because our forefathers thought it was the most important one) but now, that is a thing of the past.
Now, if you express your opinion, and it isn't politically correct, you can go to jail. I believe we will see the time shortly where if you call someone a pervert because of their "sexual orientation" you will be jailed for hate speech. The perverts are howling over the passing of Prop 8 in CA. They are threatening people, boycotting companies and storming churches and interrupting services with perverse actions, throwing condoms and performing perverted acts on the pulpits....
Why isn't this on the news?
Well, it's all being kept very hush hush because we mustn't upset those people who have a different sexual orientation than the majority of America. We must all cow tow to the desires of a few freaky weirdos, because otherwise we aren't politically correct.
I for one, don't care anymore. I'm going to call it like I see it, and if the perverts want to do something about it, well they might not do so well with intimidation tactics out here in the woods where the red necks live.
One thing I'll say for red necks, we aint that edicated, but we knows what is right, and what aint. Alternative sexual oreintation is a sin. It is wrong, and we are all wrong if we don't grow some backbone and start proclaiming the gosphel!
God made woman for man. He didn't make man, then make another man, then say, well maybe they might change their mind, and make a woman, and then make another woman in case she didn't like the men....One man, one woman.
Until we, as a group get off our duffs and start talking about this, it will get worse and worse. The acceptance these people wish is an abomination to even consider. Their lifestyle is an abomination. Their practices are foul, filthy, destructive, sinful, and perverted. They say "But we were born this way" So what? If pedophiles say they are born that way should we just push our little girls and boys at them and give them our blessing? It's no different and it is just as sinful.
"Traditional" Marriage? What a crock of whooey!
Marriage, is and always will be one man, and one woman. Not two men and one woman, not one woman and another woman. Not three women and a man, nor two men and their dog (no I'm not kidding there are people lobbying for it). One man, one woman.
Christian tradition tells us that when a MAN and a WOMAN come together, and have a sincere desire to marry, forever joining themselves and cutting their ties from the past, then God comes, and he creates a marriage, joining two into one. GOD makes a marriage, a sacred sacrament of the most holy and venerable Christain tradition. This idea of same sex couples wanting to be called married is blasphemous. It is wrong, and it mocks God. God will never create a holy union in an unholy vice filled cess pool of perversion that is called "same sex union".
Will we stand by, muttering and scratching our toes in the dust? Do we wish to avoid confrontation? Will we keep silent until we are sent to jail for condemning it?
Take a trip to Canada, where preachers and preists are jailed for condemning homosexual perversion on the pulpit and tell me I'm paranoid. Oh but our media would never hide it from us would they? Believe it, it's true.
If we don't wake up and start smelling the brimstone, it will be too late for our grand country, and for our souls too. If you don't speak out against it, then you appear to agree with it. The mock us, and we stand by idle, they mock our God and we stand by idol. WAKE UP! You are not a tree! Stop standing around and start talking, start standing up for your faith, your God and your country.
America, America, God shed his grace on thee...
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