Did you know, that good, and evil have no definition anymore? What was wrong yesterday, can be right today, it's all changeable and easy - just change the definition of right and wrong.
Churches are slowly changing their "rules" to match the new agenda of the world today. Episcopalians are appointing gay bishops, and performing gay marriages.
Ok, fine I can see this with some whacked out thing like Wicca, but really, where do they get this crap?
Catholics (I mean real ones, that still follow the leadership of the Pope, you know, the one in ROME) believe in the bible, and also in the tradition and teachings of the Church. Did you know, that until 1930 ALL christian churches condemned contraception in all its forms?
But suddenly, one day, the Lambeth Conference in 1930 by the church of England decided that indeed artificial birth control could be used when abstinence was unpractical. This is the first diveation from any bible following church. Disregarding thousands of years of tradition, all the way back to Jewish law, the Chuch of England decided that was wrong for all those years, was suddenly, ok now. By 1931 almost all the churches had followed, excepting a few, and Catholics were one of these.
So, something was wrong ( a sin) one day, and right(no longer a sin) the next day and thus the slippery slope of contraception leads us to mass murder of the unborn today. It is no secret that the selfish nature of contraception leads to abortion and other forms of evil.
Contraception is selfish, because it is saying that for convienence of the parents, offspring are limited. Economic, or other reasons can be a valid reason for limiting births, but one shouldn't be using artifical means....The Catholic Church and a few others, still stand behind this belief.
So, if you use the marital embrace, and artifical contraception, then basicly it's like eating and then going and barfing it up later. That would be gluttony, because it removes the act of eating from nutrition, and makes it only pleasure. Eating is for nutrition, and also is pleasurable. If you only eat for pleasure then you have a problem, and it becomes a sin.
If you only use the maritail embrace for pleasure, and are unwilling to accept the results of that action, then you reject God's plan, and instead embrace the ideology of "I". Our society embraces "I" above all else. Look out for number one, and forget the rest.
We have a new President that considers children a "punishment". So, it follows that his own children are punishment. How sad for them. They are fortunate that they came at a convienent time for their parents, otherwise they would have been prevented or aborted.
So, we now have a president who embraces the culture of "I" and also the ideology of the gay agenda. We have someone leading us who sanctions infanticide, pedophilia (more on this another day) and all manner of obscenity, homosexuality, gay "marriage" and much much more. If he has his way, all limits and information on abortions will be abolished. Women will be coerced and given abortions without being informed of what it is they are doing. Actually this already happens, but it will get much worse. The Freedom of Choice Act is at the top of his agenda, and yet, nobody knows what it is, or what it does.
63 million people voted for Obama, and the only reason he won was because 50 million people killed by abortion since it was legalized didn't get to vote, and the people who could have thought of them, were more concerned with putting a dollar in their own pockets. How lovely. Christian people, supposedly who now are responsible for this President who will lead us into mass murder in record numbers, gay perversions and all manners of sexual gratifications....yes even pedafilia...
Today, it is wrong, but tomorrow after the "change we need" it will be ok....
oh wait, too late. It's all already ok.
Obama is a great Civil rights leader right? Our first black president, wait isn't that COOL? Well maybe if you condone eugenics and genocide..
WHAT??? Yep, it's all there int he history books, but not on the news.
"The campaign for birth control is not merely of eugenic value, but is practically identical with the final aims of eugenics." Margeret Sanger
Planned Parenthood, was founded by Margeret Sanger. She started the organization to eliminate the "unfit". The disabled, and the BLACKS to name a few.
Oh, but you will say, that isn't the goal of Planned Parenthood now, no, now they just provide a sevice. A service to the POOR and to the BLACKS....no it couldn't possibly be eugenic in nature.
Where are all the Down Syndrome babies?
Why are almost half of the pregnancies in Black women in the US ending in abortion?
Why are 78% of their total clinics in minority neighborhoods?
Why is the black population in decline if they are not being targeted for genocide?
Obama advocates and supports exterminating his own people. Well, why is that surprising when he considers his own grandchildren punishment, and said he would want them aborted rather than be bothered with their existance?
Some intersting links -
Its time to prepare for battle, and God willing we will win, because the Nazi's had nothing on this man.
LENTCAzT 2025 – 05: 1st Sunday of Lent – Resolved!
10 hours ago
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