Wake up and smell reality, the stench of garbage or, something worse. At any rate, I am bitter, even though I knew darned well he would win. BUT that being said, he won, so he does deserve the respect of his post, and I will give him that. However, I still don't agree with him, and I still don't think he's going to change us in a way that is good.
But, I would guess that our whole country is going to begin moving slowly towards a more "gay friendly" country. President to be Obama has promised to support and promote the gay agenda, granting them special rights (that they already have) to protect them. See, it's already illegal to assault someone, but they want it labeled as a "hate crime".

But, I would guess that our whole country is going to begin moving slowly towards a more "gay friendly" country. President to be Obama has promised to support and promote the gay agenda, granting them special rights (more than they already have, or that we have) to protect them. See, it's already illegal to assault someone, but they want it labeled as a "hate crime".
Well, what this would mean, is that if a gay person was in a fight for example, and the other person wasn't gay, and maybe had a reputation for not approving of gays, they would then get a heavier, more severe sentence. They would also get labeled as someone to watch for further "hate crimes". Even if it wasn't related to that persons perverse behavior.
You see, it's sort of an endangered species sort of thing. Like if a good ol' redneck around here shot a deer out of season, well, they might be fined and all. If they shot a alligator snapping turtle, then they would get a much stiffer sentence and fine because they are endangered.
You see, there aren't as many homosexuals in the US, as regular heterosexual folks, so they need EXTRA protecting. The real irony of this is, that they generally are the "evolution" believers and so I wonder, why not just let evolution take care of this, and let the strongest survive? Survival of the fittest and all.
Oh wait, they can't procreate so they have to "preserve" themselves with legislation, and indoctrinating, by adopting children and raising them to be gay. You know, it's interesting, because Rome fell because of this, at least in part. They quit procreating, and they lost population, and couldn't keep the army full, and so the edges started collapsing. hmmm, makes that whole fence/immigration thing a little more interesting to contemplate....
Because Prop 8 passed, (in CA, defining marriage as a man and woman only)they (some of the gays)are now threatening Mormons and Catholics, in particular, with burning churches and houses. In all seriousness, we need to pray about this. Especially for the christians who could be in danger...
But, you know, it isn't threatening, it's just them, "venting" their disappointment and being angry at the passing of the proposition. If it were the reverse, Christians talking about burning and such, well, we'de be on a list at the local police station.
Equality, or rather preferential treatment. Seems they already got it, but it just aint enough.
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